Basic information | |
Full name | David Gilyard |
Birthday | 7/11/1950 (74 years old) |
Gender | male |
Title | Mr. |
SSN | 414-14-0256 |
Temporary email | This is a real email address, click here to recieve mails. |
Blood type | O+ |
Weight | 138.4lb (62.9kg) |
Height | 5' 9" (176cm) |
Biography | Lifelong internet ninja. Wannabe troublemaker. Hipster-friendly music enthusiast. Tv advocate. |
Interest | Playing Board Games,Collecting |
Constellation | Cancer |
Street address | 609 Andell Road |
City | Nashville |
State | Tennessee (Abbr: TN) |
Zipcode | 37201 |
Country | United States (Abbr: US) |
Telephone number | 615-216-8512 |
Country Calling Code | 1 |
Personality | |
Favorite Movie | Eight Men Out(1988) |
Favorite Music | Country music |
Favorite Song | Dive(by Ed Sheeran) |
Favorite Sports | Skiing |
Favorite Book | The Hunchback of Notre-Dame --by Victor Hugo |
Favorite TV | Angel from Hell CBS |
Favorite Food | Fish & chips |
Favorite Color | White |
Personality | Mad cow |
Personal Style | Fancy |
Username | Cinceres Username Generator |
Password | ohd2yie9oFee Password Generator |
Vehicle | 2007 Chrysler Crossfire |
GUID | d10b8eca-a90d-4b59-80d3-b0928ecb9e4c |
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