Basic information | |
Full name | Connor Ali |
Birthday | 4/11/1984 |
Gender | male |
Title | Mr. |
SSN | MW 42 48 41 C |
Temporary email | This is a real email address, click here to recieve mails. |
Blood type | B+ |
Weight | 204.2lb (92.8kg) |
Height | 5' 7" (171cm) |
Biography | Bacon ninja. Prone to fits of apathy. Subtly charming internet fan. Professional thinker. Lifelong web nerd. Coffee practitioner. |
Interest | Cards,Acting |
Constellation | Aries |
Street address | 67 Ash Lane |
Zipcode | PO41 4LX |
Country | United Kingdom (Abbr: GB) |
Telephone number | 079 0479 6247 |
Country Calling Code | 44 |
Personality | |
Favorite Movie | Room(2015) |
Favorite Music | Death metal |
Favorite Song | Joshi Modoki (by JY) |
Favorite Sports | Water polo |
Favorite Book | The Secret History --by Donna Tartt |
Favorite TV | Friends (1994) |
Favorite Food | Hot & spicy |
Favorite Color | Blue-Green |
Personality | Party gal/guy |
Personal Style | Pyjamas |
Username | Hount1984 Username Generator |
Password | Githei2oof Password Generator |
Vehicle | 2002 Holden Berlina |
GUID | 8a46a2ae-44d1-41e6-b9d3-4a74f07a4717 |
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