Wrestling Name GeneratorRefresh

Wrestling Name Generator - you can generate 30 random names fit for wrestling move. Wrestling has a wide range of moves, from the traditional to the more extravagant. These generated names are heavily based on real pro wrestling moves. Many of the names could also be used for various other types of fighting.

  • Total Eclipe Body Slam
  • Staggering Horse Leg Kick
  • Flying Nightmare Kick
  • Shoulder Slam Neckbreaker
  • Hurricane Arm Dive
  • Turtle Bite Chinlock
  • Bearhug Headlock
  • Dragontail Legsweep
  • Gorilla Stomp
  • The Whirlwind
  • Stubborn Mule Stomach Kick
  • Recoil Armbreaker
  • Angel Wings
  • Horserider Tight Grip
  • Boulderfist Spinebuster
  • Ironfist Jawbreaker
  • Inverted Pilediver
  • Stubborn Mule Stomach Kick
  • Shoulder Slam Gutbuster
  • Shoulder Dive Backbreaker
  • The Guillotine
  • Hammerhead Backbreaker
  • Double Legged Takedown
  • Total Eclipe Body Slam
  • Chickenwing Armlock
  • Orbital Shoulder Throw
  • Jackhammer Backbreaker
  • Horserider Tight Grip
  • Gutbuster Knee Smash
  • Cobra Bite