Wrestling Name GeneratorRefresh
Wrestling Name Generator - you can generate 30 random names fit for wrestling move. Wrestling has a wide range of moves, from the traditional to the more extravagant. These generated names are heavily based on real pro wrestling moves. Many of the names could also be used for various other types of fighting.
- Jackhammer Backbreaker
- Dragonwing Body Slam
- Thunderbord Knee Dive
- Shooting Star Spinning Kick
- Paralyzing Palm Strike
- Gorilla Slam Forearm Drop
- Elevated Elbow Smash
- Mammoth Stom Spinebreaker
- Diving Knee Hammers
- Leaping Frog Headbutt
- Giant Deathswing
- Skull Cracker
- Slingshot Elbow Buster
- Thunderstorm Leg Drop
- Sleeping Giant Body Lock
- Dragon Claw
- Bald Eagle Freedom Dive
- Shooting Star Body Slam
- Raginb Bull Headbutt
- Mammoth Stomp
- Stubborn Mule Leg Kick
- Shoulder Slam Gutbuster
- Starfish Body Lock
- Spinning Crane Leg Kick
- Cannonball Backbreaker
- Raginb Bull Headbutt
- Tigerjaw Shoulderlock
- Two-Handed Gutbuster
- Charging Bizon Rib Breaker
- Hangman Body Lock