Basic information | |
Full name | Breno Cunha |
Birthday | 9/1/1990 |
Gender | male |
Title | Mr. |
SSN | 478.462.452-01 |
Temporary email | This is a real email address, click here to recieve mails. |
Blood type | B+ |
Weight | 180.8lb (82.2kg) |
Height | 5' 11" (180cm) |
Biography | Proud introvert. Communicator. Typical reader. Wannabe zombie fanatic. Internet evangelist. |
Interest | Knitting,Wine Tasting,Genealogy |
Constellation | Virgo |
Street address | Rua C 1110 |
City | Atibaia |
Area/Province | São Paulo (Abbr: SP) |
Zipcode | 12948-082 |
Country | Brazil (Abbr: BR) |
Telephone number | (11) 5959-4749 |
Country Calling Code | 55 |
Personality | |
Favorite Movie | The Hunt(2012),Malèna(2000) |
Favorite Music | Blues |
Favorite Song | Elastic Heart(by Sia) Habibi Aiwa (by Gilli) |
Favorite Sports | Soccer, Soccer |
Favorite Book | Room --by Emma Donoghue The Waste Land --by T.S. Eliot Dracula --by Bram Stoker |
Favorite TV | Prison Break: Sequel (2017) Sons of Anarchy (2008) Masterchef Junior Fox |
Favorite Food | Noodles |
Favorite Color | Brown |
Personality | Player |
Personal Style | Pyjamas |
Username | Doncepre Username Generator |
Password | BoZoh7Ieyai Password Generator |
Vehicle | 2008 Hyundai Sonata |
GUID | ef074aad-6891-44af-bd14-00ed129ce96f |
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